Software Development

A Collaborative Approach to HR Management: Building an Effective Vacation Request Tool


Software development

In the sprawling landscape of government contracting, a company that has stood out for decades due to its extensive operational capabilities and experience was looking to promote a better work-life balance for its existing workforce and attract new employees. This notable government contractor reached out to us to develop a new internal tool to help them achieve that goal.


Develop a comprehensive HR process and workflow management tool on tight timelines to support a new company vacation policy.


We created a vacation request system to modernize and automate time off requests and approvals and enhance the company’s competitiveness as an employer.


The project was delivered ahead of schedule and under budget to rave reviews, with better functionality, visual design and usability than anything they’d had before.

The Challenge

The challenge presented to us was as unique as it was urgent. The company had recently greenlit an unlimited vacation policy aimed at fostering a better work-life balance for its employees. However, they faced a significant obstacle: the lack of a robust HR management tool to track the newfound flexibility in time off.

This gap in their system was exacerbated by the pressing timeline, as the policy’s implementation date loomed, leaving us with several months less than the usual development timeframe.

Additionally, the company aspired for the tool not only to be functional but also to exhibit a visually appealing design, enhancing user experience and setting a new standard in HR management.

Business women smiling while using laptop.

The Solution

Our solution was a blend of agile project management and collaboration, tailored to meet the pressing deadlines and unique needs of the company. By adopting a less-formal agile approach, we were able to swiftly evaluate the situation and organize the necessary tasks.

Integration with the company’s in-house developer was key, providing us with invaluable insights into the company’s systems and ensuring seamless communication. We took on a mentorship role, introducing the in-house developer to a multi-developer workflow, which was a new experience for the client. We also partnered with Stryve Marketing to ensure the tool had modern aesthetics and functionality aimed at elevating the overall user experience.

Together, we developed an HR vacation request system that was optimized to ease and simplify the company onboarding to the new vacation policy. The tool was meticulously designed using modern U/X approaches to streamline HR processes, workflows, and data integration, pulling vital information from existing SAP systems.

The Impact

The impact of the newly implemented system was felt immediately. The client was more than satisfied; they were thrilled with the solution as it surpassed all previous benchmarks in functionality and design. The tool was not only easy to use but also visually appealing, setting a new standard for HR management software.

Despite the tight project timelines, we delivered the system ahead of schedule, ensuring its integration into the HR processes well before the new vacation policy was enacted. This timely implementation provided the company with critical insights into the vacation policy’s usage and impact.

Moreover, the introduction of the new vacation request tool, coupled with the innovative policy, significantly boosted employee satisfaction, reinforcing the company’s commitment to fostering a positive work environment.

Upon the launch of the new vacation request system the government contractor experienced the following benefits:

Gained deeper HR insights
This tool gave the company the necessary insight into how the new vacation policy is being utilized by employees so they could better monitor its effectiveness
Increased employee satisfaction
Once the tool was implemented, the company was able to roll out its new vacation policy which was met with high praise from employees. The effective interface made it easy for employees to take advantage of the policy
Improved in-house workflow
Through our mentorship with the in-house dev team, the company is now better equipped to handle projects involving multi-dev teams and agile methodology in the future.

Get in Touch 

Discover how Green Leaf Consulting Group’s strategic IT solutions can bring you growth through technology. Contact Neil McCole at or (484) 535-4405. 

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