
The Way We Work: Agile Development

In this article, we’ll explore the principles of Agile and how iterative, customer-centric approaches foster adaptability, reduce risks, and drive higher customer satisfaction. We will delve into strategic product feature development, demonstrating how Agile practices can be leveraged to prioritize high-impact features, optimize resources, and deliver maximum ROI.    

Before we dive into the practical applications of Agile principles, it’s important to first understand the framework and methodologies that drive Agile. By exploring what Agile Software Development entails, we can better appreciate how its core values and flexible practices enhance adaptability and streamline project execution. Let’s start by defining Agile and looking at the methodologies that shape its application in real-world software development.    

What is agile software development? 

Agile Software Development is a set of principles and methodologies that guide how software is developed. Agile is an iterative, collaborative, adaptive and lightweight method of software development that fosters value-based development and continuous improvement, with a flexible schedule and open communication. There are a few different methodologies; the most discussed are SCRUM and Kanban.  

With a clear understanding of what Agile software development is, we can now explore the core values that underpin the Agile philosophy. These values guide how teams approach collaboration, prioritize work, and ultimately deliver value to the customer. 

Key values 

The Agile Manifesto outlines a set of core values that form the foundation of the entire Agile software development process. Let us explore these values with practical examples to see how they influence and improve the way teams work together.    

At the heart of Agile are its core values, and perhaps the most crucial of these is the emphasis on people and communication. Let’s dive into the importance of human interaction in Agile, particularly how it drives productivity and ensures alignment with business goals. 

Individual and interactions over process and tools  

Agile places a strong emphasis on people and communication. It is more effective to have clear conversations about requirements and business needs than to rely solely on tools and rigid processes. This is why having a dedicated product owner is so important. The product owner understands the business goals and can help prioritize tasks to deliver maximum value quickly. Their involvement reduces the need for lengthy documentation, enabling faster decision-making and creating a smoother feedback loop between the development team and the business. When team members interact regularly—through code reviews, unit testing, or simply resolving blockers—it speeds up the feedback loop and fosters a more self-managing team. Everyone understands the bigger picture: the business problems they are solving, the short-term goals, and the long-term objectives. This shared clarity ensures the team is not working in silos. They can adapt to changes in requirements or team dynamics more easily. While traditional waterfall methods have their place, Agile thrives on this kind of flexibility. For Agile to truly work, the product owner needs to be deeply involved, ideally dedicating ~ 20 hours a week to the team. Acting as a bridge between the team and the business, they ensure the work aligns with business priorities. Using a proxy or having a part-time product owner creates distance between the team and the real decision-makers, which can lead to miscommunication and delays. While temporary solutions might be necessary in rare cases, they should never be the norm—especially not at the start of a project.    

As we move from the focus on team interactions, the next key value in Agile revolves around prioritizing working software over exhaustive documentation. We’ll explore how delivering functional software regularly keeps the project on track while balancing the need for documentation. 

Working software over comprehensive documentation 

While documentation is important to ensure alignment and scope in a project, Agile values a balance between documentation and team collaboration. The goal is to avoid spending excessive time detailing every requirement upfront. Instead, planning meetings, refinement sessions, and regular feedback help clarify questions as development progresses. Light documentation, fast feedback loops, and an engaged product owner prevent analysis paralysis and enable continuous improvement. As the team builds, seeing working software helps refine the product incrementally.  

A simple example is building a house. You don’t need a fully detailed blueprint with the end finishes selected to start—just enough information, like a 4-bedroom, 5-bathroom house with a large backyard and a pool, within a budget. You do not need to know the final paint color or the finishes of the floors at the start of the project but you do need to have a basic idea of the floor plan you would like and type of home While some  have a clear vision for their home during the building process, the  builder’s don’t necessarily need that information to complete the fundamental shell of the house.  

Similarly, when building a Power BI dashboard, it is important to understand the type of data being analyzed, the size of the data, and whether the data will come from one or multiple sources. However, it’s not essential to know exactly how the data will be displayed in the final product. Many activities can be started with just the key foundational information. This basic guidance lets the team start planning and refining as they go. Knowing the key details upfront allows the team to create a rough design and adjust based on feedback, ensuring the right direction without unnecessary delays. While building a home is nothing like software development, it still has so much in common in terms of the approach to development and the information needed to get started. 

With an emphasis on delivering working software, it naturally follows that collaborating closely with customers is essential to ensuring that the software meets evolving needs. Agile’s focus on customer collaboration over rigid contracts helps teams stay aligned with the ultimate business goals. 

Customer collaboration over contract negotiation 

Collaboration during the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is all about being flexible and working closely with the customer to solve their problem, rather than sticking rigidly to a contract. In Agile, the focus is on reaching the end goal, but we stay open to changing the way we get there. Contracts can sometimes lock us into a specific approach, even if additional information or challenges come up that require us to pivot. Agile embraces change and encourages constant collaboration with the customer. This helps you adapt to shifting priorities or insights as they come up, ensuring the solution still meets their needs, even if we take a different path than originally planned. By working closely with the customer and staying flexible, you can deliver a solution that’s more aligned with their evolving goals. The focus isn’t on following a rigid process, but on achieving the best outcome together. 

As customer needs evolve, change becomes inevitable, and Agile is built to embrace it. This leads us to the next value: responding to change over rigidly following a plan. Agile handles the unexpected and adaptability is key to long-term success. 

Responding to change over following a plan  

Agile as the name suggests, is all about staying flexible, even if it means the project end date might shift. In Agile, the idea is to “fail fast” and quickly adapt to new information. Yes, this can impact the timeline, but the upside is that you are delivering value incrementally. So even if the final deadline moves, you are seeing improvements and progress along the way. Agile thrives on fast feedback and adaptability. The point is not to add extra work unnecessarily—it is about incorporating important feedback when it is truly needed. If changes are essential, they are delivered in small, manageable chunks. Sure, this might push the end date, but it is a worthwhile trade-off if it means solving the real problem effectively. However, this does not mean the project drags on forever. Eventually, you will reach a point where the product is ready to be released. The focus is on delivering real value, not just meeting a fixed deadline. In the end, being flexible and adapting to changes ensures you build the right solution, even if it takes a bit longer to get there. 

Now that we’ve explored Agile’s core values, you might be wondering how to put them into practice. Incorporating these principles into your organization requires strategic leadership and careful planning. Let’s see how you can start integrating Agile in a meaningful way. 

How to incorporate the core principles?  

Incorporating Agile principles starts at the top with leadership such as the CIO and other key business stakeholders. Agile will not thrive if it is practiced in isolation; that would be like a car trying to drive on one wheel while the other three are either stuck or just rolling or much worse, going in the opposite direction. You might make some movement, but it is unlikely you’ll be in the right direction or yield much value. Once you have buy-in from upper management and ideally the entire IT department, you can begin rolling out Agile in phases. Start with well-staffed pilot teams and projects. This approach allows you to demonstrate the value of Agile quickly and effectively. By highlighting the benefits, you will encourage other teams to embrace the methodology as well. Agile can show its worth fast, and once others see the impact, you will find it much easier to get their buy-in. 

Once Agile principles are in place, it’s important to measure their impact. Understanding how to calculate the ROI for Agile projects helps justify the adoption of Agile and ensures continuous improvement. 

Calculating return on investment 

The return on investment for Agile projects can be calculated in terms of time, money, or sometimes both. For product-based projects, you can assess ROI by looking at metrics like sales volume increases or improvements in the customer shopping experience—from the moment they land on your site to when they make a purchase. Setting up monitoring as part of the project scope allows you to have clear before-and-after comparisons for testing. When it comes to professional services, you can measure ROI by evaluating how much easier it is for your end users to perform their tasks or whether you’ve successfully addressed the issues that led to the project in the first place. Another important metric is team efficiency. You can gauge the impact of the new development methodology by tracking how quickly your teams can move from intake requests to project initiation and then to execution. A reduction in this timeframe is a strong indicator that Agile is making a positive difference. The beauty of ROI metrics is that they can be tailored to fit your specific project. You are not limited to traditional measurements; instead, you can find what works best for you and your goals. 

With a solid understanding of Agile’s ROI, you may be considering how well your organization stacks up against Agile best practices. Whether you’re new to Agile or looking to optimize your current approach, we’re here to help guide your Agile transformation. 

Enhance your agility 

Looking to enhance your agility? Green Leaf Consulting Group can help bridge the gap between business and management expectations and your Agile delivery teams. Our support ensures that everyone is on the same page regarding what constitutes value during those two-week releases of working software. We will also help you understand the implications of any change requests for the project scope and timeline, ensuring that all stakeholders are aligned and informed every step of the way. We can help you enhance your organization’s agility by leveraging our extensive experience across various industries to identify what works best and pinpoint areas for improvement. Acting as an unbiased third party, we will review your retrospective documentation and conduct interviews with team members to assess whether feedback has been provided and implemented. If changes were made, we will analyze their effectiveness and understand why some may not have succeeded while others improved the process. Additionally, we can facilitate sessions on industry best practices that include both business and development teams, ensuring everyone is aligned and sharing the same knowledge. We will evaluate your current level of collaboration between the product owner and the development teams, then suggest actionable improvements. Our goal is to guide and mentor you through the implementation of these strategies, helping you build a more cohesive and agile organization. 


Most organizations would be categorized as being at one of 3 levels of maturity: 

1. You have never done agile and are looking for a partner that will guide you through successful implementation:

Based on your needs, we would connect you with one or more team members who have the right experience and certifications to guide you through project and program management, development, and testing. We would begin by hosting introductory seminars on the core principles of agile software development. Through conversations and interviews, we’d explore why you’ve chosen to transition to agile and help identify your goals, whether as a department or as an organization. 

Our aim would be to ensure that everyone is aligned on how software development will be approached moving forward. We would also work with you to identify a pilot group or project and establish clear guidelines for how that group will operate. From there, the agile approach can be expanded across projects, programs, departments, and eventually the entire organization. 

2. Those who are currently agile and are looking for help getting better:

We would collaborate with you to identify the specific areas you’re looking to improve or evaluate your process and suggest areas of improvement. We can even handle the tougher conversations with other departments on your behalf if that is what is needed to help with continuous improvement and evolution. Our team has experience working across all areas, including stakeholder management. For instance, you may fully embrace agile within your IT department, but struggle to convince sponsors and stakeholders who won’t green-light a project unless every detail is laid out and there’s a fixed end date. We can help negotiate that impasse. 

Additionally, we can work directly with your developers and testers by integrating team members who can provide hands-on guidance. These are people who understand the daily workflow more intimately than a Project Manager or Product Owner and can offer valuable insights on best practices. They’ll assist with things like accurate estimations and help ensure that the team stays focused. Sometimes, all you need is a Scrum Master who truly understands agile and can shield your developers from unnecessary distractions—someone who can say, “If it’s not on the board, we’re not working on it.” 

3. Those of you that are highly successful with Agile and/or are a large enterprise looking to scale the practice across your organization:

We would be able to evaluate your teams, organization, and development needs and complexities to suggest one of the 4 distinct levels of Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe). This could be implemented at the team level; program level as an Agile Release Train where multiple teams work together on a shared mission to deliver value in a Program Increment over 8 – 12 weeks; at the larger solution level where multiple Agile Release Trains work together to deliver complex solutions; at the portfolio level and last not least at the enterprise level. Each level of SAFe builds upon the previous one so no matter where you are in the journey of scaling, we will be equipped to partner with you to achieve your goals.  

Embracing agile to enhance agility

As we wrap up, it’s clear that Agile is not a one-size-fits-all approach. Whether you’re just beginning your Agile journey or looking to scale it across the enterprise, future articles will delve deeper into scaling frameworks like SAFe and how they can be effectively applied. Stay tuned as we continue to explore ways to enhance agility within your organization.   

While we have only briefly touched on SAFe in this article, future pieces in this series will delve deeper into the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) and how organizations can successfully scale agile practices across large enterprises. We will explore best practices, common pitfalls to avoid, and provide detailed insights into the four levels of SAFe. These upcoming articles will guide you through the implementation process, outlining the focus areas and key roles at each level to help you effectively apply SAFe principles in your organization.