
Leader spotlight: Jamie Romanowski 


Q: What led you to join the Green Leaf team?

A: I had previously worked with Chuck at another company, where we joined over 20 years ago. When I was looking for new opportunities, Chuck reached out about Green Leaf. His enthusiasm for the organization was contagious, and joining Green Leaf turned out to be a great decision.  

Q: What keeps you here?

A: What keeps me here is the same thing that keeps everyone at Green Leaf: it’s a fantastic group of people. We tackle interesting problems, and it’s genuinely fun to work here.  

Q: What are your area(s) of specialty?

A: I work on the software side of Green Leaf and have done everything from writing code and leading teams to selling solutions and mentoring. My specialty focuses on filling gaps within teams to guide projects from conception to implementation. With over a decade of experience managing teams and focusing on the business side of software delivery before returning to a hands-on role, I bring a strong background that helps keep teams aligned with the business goals of any initiative. 

Q: Can you tell us about your journey and how your past experiences have led you to your current area(s) of specialty?

A: After earning a degree in computer science, I started my career at a consulting company in Philadelphia, where I gained extensive experience working with different clients. I then joined a firm specializing in clinical trial software, where I played a key role in developing a product that initially didn’t meet user needs. I felt passionate about the product, so I listened to feedback and led a team to enhance it until it successfully supported over 20,000 clinical trials.

The success of this project allowed me to grow into the director role, which gave me insight into the entire software development lifecycle. This perspective allows me to create solutions that meet both business and technical goals effectively.  

Q: What aspects of technology are you most passionate about, and how do you see these aligning with your role at Green Leaf?

A: I’m passionate about finding the right solution for each problem and seeing it through to completion. While I’m flexible with the technology used, I strongly believe in the value of automated testing as it reduces risk and accelerates deployment.


Q: What’s one of the most important, interesting, or exciting projects you’ve worked on at Green Leaf, and what made it so special for you?

A: During the COVID-19 pandemic, we were working on a project for a company that builds software for IoT devices. People didn’t want technicians entering their homes, so we created a cloud-enabled feature that allowed changes to be pushed remotely. This solution not only addressed an immediate need but continues to make everyone’s lives easier. It was a cool and innovative project. 

Q: What project(s) are you involved in now?

A: Currently, I’m working with a manufacturing client to consolidate multiple platforms into one. This is done live in production, so we’re managing migrations and retrofits while keeping the existing platforms operational. This is a complicated process that highlights the importance of testing to ensure that changes do not cause disruptions.

Q: Can you share a specific goal or project you’re aiming to kickstart in the near future? What makes this especially important to you?

A: Our clients drive our projects, so the specifics will depend on their needs. I’m interested in contributing to Green Leaf’s thought leadership by writing articles to attract interesting work. Green Leaf is always seeking the next challenging project, whether it involves data analytics, software development, or technical strategy.

Q: Can you tell us about a personal philosophy or approach that guides your work in tech and in serving clients?

I prioritize listening. Many people in technology jump to conclusions and solutions too quickly. I call it the sitcom principle—when someone overhears a tiny piece of information, takes it out of context, and causes havoc with it. By listening more, you can uncover the real problems that might not be immediately obvious. Understanding the full picture before making decisions is crucial, as this prevents misunderstandings and leads to better solutions.


Q: In your opinion, what are the major trends that will shape the technology consulting industry in the next five years?

A: AI is the elephant in the room—it’s going to reshape everything. The trust factor with AI is a big question, as it’s still developing, akin to taking a four-year-old out and not knowing what they’ll say. It will be interesting to see how AI matures and what it can achieve. Beyond AI, automation and cloud costs will continue to be significant.

Q: What leadership qualities do you think are most important for driving innovation in the technology side of companies today?

A: Good leaders listen and ensure everyone is on the same page. People sometimes jump to conclusions too quickly. Collaboration and taking the time to explore ideas thoroughly are often missing with teams but can often lead to the best solutions.

Q: What’s a significant challenge in the tech space many are facing (or will soon be facing), and what, in your opinion, is a potential solution or approach to overcoming it?

A: Before implementing AI, having automated, robust testing of systems is key. This ensures existing systems remain stable even as new features are added quickly.

Q: With the rise of AI and data analytics, what ethical considerations do you believe tech leaders should prioritize?

A: There are many ethical considerations, but the first one is privacy—ensuring that personal data is used responsibly. Additionally, AI has the potential to disrupt job markets, which presents broader economic challenges.

Q: How do you stay updated with the rapid changes in technology, and how do you foresee the evolution of the tech consultant’s role?

A: I stay updated by reading extensively, including books, blog posts, and examples, and by experimenting with new technologies. With so much emerging these days, it’s essential to balance staying informed about what’s out there and knowing when to dive deeper.

Q: How do you tailor your advisory approach to help clients not just meet but exceed their technology goals?

A: My approach revolves around listening to clients and sharing our past experiences at Green Leaf—what has worked and what hasn’t. The key is to truly understand what clients need and break down solutions into achievable milestones to meet and exceed their expectations.

Q:Discuss the balance between innovation and risk in technology. How should companies approach risk-taking for technological advancement?

A: Typically, I start with assessing an organization’s risk tolerance, which dictates the pace of innovation. I sit down with companies to understand timelines and priorities, and then incorporate these into a plan with necessary precautions to effectively mitigate risks.

Q: The role of collaboration in tech has never been more prominent. How do you foster a culture of collaboration with your client(s)?

A: Ensemble programming has been a game-changer. Every day, the team works together for a specific period using code-sharing technology. We write code simultaneously and discuss the best solutions. This approach allows for mentoring, a deeper understanding of the product, and ensures the whole team is on the same page.

Q: What skills do you think will be most valuable for the technology workforce of the future, and how can professionals prepare now?

A: Being able to step back from a problem or solution and see the bigger picture in terms of how it fits with the entire project is valuable. Additionally, one thing that’s often lacking in our current world is deep focus — the ability to remove distractions and focus on tasks for extended periods can lead to breakthroughs. Ensemble programming can help with this, and it’s important to give yourself permission to disconnect from email or Teams. That’s what I do.


Q: If you could have dinner with any figure from the world of technology, who would it be and why?

A: Cal Newport, the author of “Deep Work.” He emphasizes the importance of focusing on tasks and addresses the negative impact of social media on productivity. His insights inspired me to return to hands-on software development, rather than being solely involved in management.

Q: What’s the one gadget or tech you can’t live without?

A: Anything that plays music—my phone or tablet. Music is essential to me, and I always have it on.

Q: Can you share a personal success story or a particularly memorable experience from your career? What made it special for you?

A: I once worked with a client who experienced severe performance issues in their system. Since they were in a different part of the world, I had to work a night shift to debug the problem. The challenges were immense, but seeing the system’s performance improve drastically and the client’s satisfaction made it all worthwhile.

Q: Outside of work, what’s a hobby or activity you’re passionate about? How did you become involved in it and why is it important to you?

A: I spend most of my time with my two young kids. I’m also into music, especially live concerts and improv jazz. Additionally, I manage a website for Steve’s charity, which makes me feel good about contributing to the local community.

Q: Green Leaf is a place where there’s a good balance of serious business and good-natured humor. Can you give a fun example of when you’ve either doled out or been on the receiving end of some of that humor?

A:Once, with a friend, we installed a program on Chuck’s computer that swapped the left and right click functions for 15 seconds every five minutes. Hearing him smash his mouse down was hilarious, especially since he went through two replacement mice before we came clean.